To asses and analyze the productiveness of a company along with its short comings in different areas, SWOT Analysis is the superlative mec...
To asses and analyze the productiveness of a company along with its short comings in different areas, SWOT Analysis is the superlative mec...
As world is changing day by day and everything in this world evolves new trends. In similar fashion banking industry in the world attain it...
SWOT Analysis is the best and main marketing tool to produce the overall business analysis of said company. SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Op...
This article concerned with the basic understandings of The Political System of Islam . This article enlightens the governmental and publi...
HABIB BANK Ltd is a leader in the Pakistan’s Banking Industry . It has a wide-ranging network of branches and Financial services . This Int...
Human Resource Management (HRM) ; as the term describes that the processes concerned in the administration of human beings in an organizat...
An inclusive and fantastic book on Financial Management , this book has more to guide and to considerate the financial management and anal...
Organizational Communication can be defined as; procedures , through which organizations are formed, generate and figure out events. This p...
Managerial finance wraps two areas: Corporate Finance and Management Accounting . This book titled as “ Managerial Finance: Risk Manageme...
This edition of the fantastic book on Strategic Marketing Management provides enormous updated study material. It will cover step- by- ste...
The central bank of the nation is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) . It was established in April 1935 . Reserve Bank of India was nationali...
This book particularly underlines the practical approach and embeds mathematical finance in day to day business work of traders. Financial...
Bank Alfalah Limited ; a well recognized bank in Pakistan . Bank Alfalah Ltd offers immense and superior banking facilities to the general ...
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of those wonderful concepts that swept the business world in the 1990’s with the promise of f...
NBP is the largest commercial bank in the Pakistan and was established under the National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance on November 8, 1949 i...
This project demonstrates the SWOT Analysis of Gold Flake Ltd . SWOT Analysis clears a lot of issues regarding product and company’s futur...
Organizational Behavior now attains a vital pitch in the Management . More managers now focused on this issue and train their employees reg...
This is an inclusive chunk of material on the topic of Final Account . It comprises on two short project reports and one brief presentation...
This Internship Report is on Meezan Bank Ltd . MEEZAN Bank Ltd was established as an Islamic Investment Bank in 1997 as “ AL MEEZAN INVES...
The word e-Recruitment means using Information Technology (IT) to gain high momentum in the recruitment process . E-Recruitment process ra...
Array of methods for improvement or reducing the sources of conflict is called Conflict Resolution. This short report is all about the co...
This is a short project report on Organogram of NBP (National Bank of Pakistan). This project elaborates the overall organizational chart ...
This project highlights the 4P’s concept by screening the Gold Flake product. Remember that the 4P’s are; Product, Price, Place and Promo...
This is a complete and final project on Working of Stock Exchange in India . A Stock Exchange can be defined as; the institution; where bu...
It is a comprehensive project report on Indian Mutual Fund Industry and their AUM . The Mutual Fund Industry is a bunch just as big broth...